April, 2024


1h 35m

i love all the cityscape maps, especially the USA one, theyre so cool visually and fun to navigate/see in ruin


1h 33m


i started missing roach n ghost + this story in this one was rlly good


February, 2024


3h 32m


i didn't rmbr much of this game from when i first played it as a kid, but WOW that finale rlly stuck with me.

was fun !!! not as good as MW2; better than MW1. the mission variety kinda sucks but the last few missions r great.

time for black ops !!! <3



2h 27m

i was downloading black ops 2 + installing black ops while playing and my game FULL froze (couldn't tab out or anything)

thankfully i found a fix tho so if it happens again i know what 2 do 🙏


0h 57m


going from two remasters to this is insane lmao it's so jarring

activision remaster mw3 NEOW.



2h 28m


finished !!! im so hype to play #2 JUST for roach mwah <3 (well. also ghost but y'know)

Mile High Club was so hard the first time but i got it in like 3 tries this time, and most of my deaths were at the very start lmao

Game Over i didn't realize u could crouch so i was super mad that i didn't have any cover & kept dying 😵‍💫



2h 41m

I HATE THE ONE SHOT, ONE KILL MISSION SO MUUUUUCH. particularly the carnival bit. it's not necessarily Hard it's just the fact that it takes five million years for the heli to get there and when it does, there's no checkpoint :(

thank god i found a rat spot at the back end of the go-kart arena. i just go prone next to a tree and snipe whoever gets close.

i did better this time around than the first time for sure tho. last time i got so mad i had to stop and try again the next day lmao i was MALDING.


1h 29m

was playing while (re)watching agents of SHIELD bcuz ADHD but i got too mad doing the shock & awe mission so i had 2 stop lol.


0h 53m

thank GOD for the ppl in fitgirl's comments bcuz i had this game crashing bug and i was so scared i wouldn't be able 2 play anymore but some guy had the same problem and someone else had the solution <3


0h 50m


i haven't played a shooter with a mouse & keyboard in forever. pray for me

also this download was long as hell it was like 3hrs to download & 5hrs to install or smth like that lmao


January, 2024

November, 2023

October, 2023

September, 2023

July, 2023